Foot Health Afflictions

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For an explanation of various common afflictions of the foot or ankle, please use the links from this reference page.

Dr. David Stoller
Dr. Stoller keeps up with current research on
common foot and ankle conditions.

Ankle Sprains — Ankle sprain symptoms vary depending on severity. Often, the ankle Is tender, swollen and discolored. The ankle can be quite painful to touch. Walking is usually hampered and may become difficult depending on the severity of the sprain. A feeling of instability may occur, especially in severe ankle sprains when ligaments are torn.

Arthritic Disorders — Joint stiffness, pain or tenderness, swelling and/or redness that persists for more than two weeks-all may signal arthritis. Any of 100 forms of arthritis can damage our bodies, especially the joints, gradually wearing away protective cartilage where the bones meet to make a joint. The force our body weight generates on the toe and ankle joints makes them particularly susceptible to arthritis.

Bunion Deformities — In the front of the foot, the joint at the base of the great toe is the most complex. Here the bones, tendons and ligaments work together to transmit and distribute the body’s weight, especially during movement. Should this joint become abnormally stressed over an extended period of time, a bunion deformity may result.

Common Foot Problems — When functioning properly, your feet handle all of the demands you place upon them without discomfort. When discomfort occurs, rapid treatment usually results in complete healing and a return to full function. Common foot ailments include Ingrown Toenail, Corns and Calluses, Hammer Toe, Warts, Bunion, Flat Feet, Heel Pain (Plantar Fasciitis), and Ankle Sprain.

Diabetic Foot Problems — Foot problems in persons with diabetes are usually the result of three primary factors: neuropathy, poor circulation, and decreased resistance to infection. Also, foot deformities and trauma play major roles in causing ulcerations and infections in the presence of neuropathy or poor circulation.

Digital Disorders — Corns, Calluses and Pain May Indicate Joint Problems Many disorders can affect the joints of the toes, causing pain and preventing the foot from functioning as it should. People of all ages can have toe problems, from infants born with deformities, to older adults with acquired deformities.

Gout — Gout is a form of arthritis that occurs as a result of the build-up of uric acid in the body and the joint fluid (hyperuricemia). This accumulation of uric acid typically occurs when the body has difficulty processing certain protein substances called purines (PURE-EENS) that are found naturally in our diets.

Hallux Rigidus — One problem that afflicts the big toe is called hallux rigidus, a condition where movement of the toe is restricted to varying degrees. This disorder can be very troubling and even disabling, since we use the all-important big toe whenever we walk, stoop down, climb up, or even stand.

Heel Disorders — Sharp pain, aching or stiffness on the bottom of one or both heels is a very common ailment. The pain is often at its worst upon awakening in the morning (or after sitting down for an extended period and then resuming activity), causing hobbling or limping for a few minutes before a comfortable stride can be resumed. As weight continues to be applied during walking or standing, mild or severe pain may persist.

Intermetatarsal Neuromas — An intermetatarsal neuroma (IMN) is any irritative process of the common digital nerve branch that supplies the plantar (bottom) of adjacent toes. It most frequently involves the nerve that supplies sensation to adjacent sides of the third and fourth toes, but can also affect other toes of the foot.

Nail Disorders — All or a portion of the nail plate can be damaged when the feet are injured or abused. Nail problems are commonly caused by improper trimming, minor injuries or repeated trauma. Some nail disorders can also be congenital.

Shoes and Foot Health — Shoes are an important part of your clothing, comfort, and fashion. Selecting the appropriate shoe for a specific activity and having it fit properly are the key elements for comfort, function and safety.